Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Location: Halle
Altersfreigabe: ab 16 Jahren
Vorverkauf: ab 23,- Euro
Abendkasse: 25,- Euro
BACK:N:BLACK - The Girls Who Play AC/DC
BACK:N:BLACK is known worldwide as “the” female AC/DC tribute band and rocks both the big stages and the more intimate clubs. Since 2010 they have been playing all over Europe with big names like ZZTop, Arch Enemy and many more. Not only their great wild show, but also the band’s true passion to celebrate the music of AC/DC in- spires young and older fans alike. This even earned them compliments from AC/DC themselves. Unique and always likeable, BACK:N:BLACK takes you on a journey through almost 50 years of AC/DC rock`n`roll!